Strong Parameters As Documentation

Caleb Hearth

Besides moving attribute whitelisting to the controller rather than the model, Rails 4’s move to Strong Parameters over attr_accessible provides great documentation about the data with which records are being created.

Your music is bad and you should feel bad
strong_parameters are good and you should feel good

Here is an example of a controller many of us have written, using strong_parameters:

class CommentsController < ApplicationController
  respond_to :html

  def create
    @comment = Comment.create(comment_params)
    respond_with @comment


  def comment_params
      merge(user: current_user, commentable: commentable)

  def commentable
    # find and return a commentable record

Notice how the comment_params method tells you at a glance what object’s parameters this controller/action cares about (comment), the specific data being used (body), and the extra information being added. After glancing at the method, you hardly have to concern yourself with the rest of the class: everything just makes sense.

strong_parameters will be standard in Rails 4.0, but they can be used now in Rails 3.