Announcing Sassquatch: A Zero-setup Sass Previewer for OS X

Reda Lemeden

Sassquatch screenshot

We’re pleased to release Sassquatch, a native Sass previewer for OS X.

Between client projects and open source tools, we spend a considerable amount of our time writing Sass.

Typically, we would have a Web server running locally and a process monitoring Sass changes such as Rails, Gulp.js, or sass --watch. Additionally, we often use a browser auto-reload tool such as LiveReload or BrowserSync.

While this setup works fine for most typical Web projects, it becomes extremely tedious when all you need is isolating a bug, exploring a new Sass feature, or spiking a new function or mixin. There are online tools that attempt to help with this, but their speed and reliability are inconsistent.

This is why we set out to build a Sass output previewer that requires no setup or use of the command line. Just open any .scss file in Sassquatch to immediately preview the CSS output. Better yet, you don’t have to reopen the file when you modify it in your code editor; Sassquatch will refresh as soon as you save the file.

Sassquatch defaults to a two-pane layout displaying both the Sass source and the CSS output. If you don’t need to look at the source, you can toggle the left pane off.

You can download a free, time-limited trial or purchase an unrestricted license on the Sassquatch website.