Destructuring Parameters in Ember.Helpers

Sean Doyle

With the recent release of Ember.js version 1.13 comes support for a new API for declaring helpers.

One approach creates a helper class via Ember.Helper’s .extend, while the other declares the helper with a shorthand API via the Ember.Helper.helper function.

At the core of both approaches is the compute function.

This function accepts an array of parameters, as well as a hash of options, populated when invoked in a Handlebars template:

{{address "1600 Pennsylvania Ave" "Washington, DC" "20500" separator="<br>"}}

The corresponding JavaScript would look like this:

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Helper.helper(
  function compute(params, hash) {
    const street = params[0];
    const cityAndState = params[1];
    const zipCode = params[2];
    const separator = hash.separator;

    // ... do the work

Using ES2015 destructuring, the variable declarations can be moved to the function‘s parameter list:

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Helper.helper(
  function compute([street, cityAndState, zipCode], { separator }) {
  // ... do the work

While this works great for Ember.Helper, there is nothing stopping you from using this anywhere your functions accept arrays of arguments or hashes of options:

function calculateArea({ width, height }) {
  return width * height;

// call it with a hash
const rectangle = { width: 5, height: 4 };

calculateArea(rectangle); // => 20

Further Reading