Hoptoad Downtime Sunday at Midnight

Tammer Saleh


Hoptoad has been growing like a little toddler - each set of shoes proving too small for the next. In just ten months, our database has collected almost 7 million errors, and has grown to 73GB (that’s 19,6,512 words for you old-schoolers out there).

Because of this, we have to schedule a teensy weensy little DOWNTIME this weekend on Sunday at midnight for about half an hour while we move to a new database cluster. We expect that ya’ll won’t even notice, but we want to make sure you’re aware just the same.

As part of this little announcement, we’d like to emphasize that the hosting Hoptoad has been receiving from Engine Yard has been phenomenal. They have been on top of any issue we might have had well before we knew about it, and they’ve been responsible and vigilant in every point of interaction. If your livelihood depends on your Rails application staying alive, then put yourselves in their hands. You won’t regret it.

FYI: Hoptoad/Airbrake was sold to RackSpace and is now called Airbrake Bug Tracker.