We're now tumbling

Chad Pytel

We’ve just moved this blog over to be powered by tumblr.

Importing all of the content from mephisto into tumblr and disqus wasn’t an easy feat, so thanks go out to Mike Burns, Nick Quaranto and the others who were involved in making it happen.

We apologize if some older posts show up as new again in your feed reader. Other than that, you shouldn’t notice anything dramatically different, but let us know if you do.

As a side effect of the move, the blog domain name is now http://robots.thoughtbot.com, but the old url and all of the old posts redirect to the new domain.

We’ve been making a conscious effort to not be self-hosting or maintaining things ourselves, to allow us to spend our time on things more core to our business. A few weeks ago, when we had some problems with some mephisto blog posts, it prompted this move.